Automate to Win Level 1 Certification

Shawn David
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Course Description

Ever felt like you're drowning in a sea of tasks that just don't stop coming? You're not alone, and that's why we created ‘Workflow Automation 101: Decoding Processes and Bottlenecks', or as we like to call it, ‘ATW101'.

In ATW101, we'll dive head-first (don't worry, we'll check for rocks) into the world of workflow automation. We'll take you on a riveting journey through the exciting world of processes and bottlenecks. Trust us, it's more exciting than it sounds – kind of like finding out your ‘boring' neighbor is actually a secret agent.

You'll learn how to spot those pesky bottlenecks that are throttling your workflow, and we'll arm you with the tools and strategies you need to get your life back from the jaws of inefficiency.

Imagine a world where your tasks do themselves. That's right, we're talking about a universe where your coffee maker automatically brews your favorite latte just as you're finishing your morning yoga, or where your emails magically sort themselves into neat little folders. Sounds too good to be true? That's what the ATW101 is here to help you achieve!

And don't worry, this course is beginner-friendly, like a teddy bear. Except this teddy bear is going to help you become a productivity wizard.

So why wait? Enroll in ATW101 today and embark on the journey to become the Master of Your Workflow Universe. Say goodbye to busywork and hello to efficiency.

Join us and let's automate your world. After all, you're not a machine, so why act like one?”


  • Module 1: Introduction to Workflow Automation

    Welcome to Lesson 1! Today, we’re introducing the concept of workflow automation, discussing its benefits and providing examples of real-world applications. This foundational understanding will set the stage for our journey into the world of automation.

  • Module 2: Identifying Manual Tasks

    In Lesson 2, we’re diving into the process of identifying manual tasks in your workflow. These tasks require significant human intervention and, as a result, often consume valuable time and energy. Throughout this lesson, you’ll learn to spot such tasks and understand how they can be prime candidates for automation.

  • Module 3: Unmasking Repetitive Tasks

    Welcome to Lesson 3! Today, we’ll be unmasking the repetitive tasks that fill our day-to-day work. We’ll explore strategies for identifying these activities, discuss why they’re a drain on productivity, and explore how they provide perfect opportunities for automation.

  • Module 4: Spotting Bottlenecks and Inefficiencies

    Lesson 4 brings us to the task of spotting bottlenecks and inefficiencies in our workflows. Armed with the knowledge from Lessons 1 to 3, we’ll discover how to isolate these obstacles to productivity and how automation can be a solution.

  • Module 5: Introduction to Automation Tools

    As we venture into Lesson 5, we will build on our previous insights to explore various automation tools. We’ll delve into their functionalities and how they can be used to automate the manual and repetitive tasks we’ve identified, thereby improving efficiencies.

  • Module 6: Automating Email

    In Lesson 6, we’re guiding you through the automation of email and communication. Communication is a critical part of any job, and with the volume of emails and messages we receive, it can quickly become overwhelming. We’ll explore how automation can help manage this flood of information, making sure you maintain effective and timely communication with less effort.

  • Module 7: Automating Scheduling and Task Management

    Welcome to Lesson 7! Today, we’re focusing on how automation can streamline scheduling and task management. We’ll investigate tools that can manage calendar events, schedule meetings, send reminders, and even manage your to-do lists. By the end of this lesson, you’ll understand how to set up a system that works seamlessly to keep you organized, punctual, and productive.

  • Module 8: Advanced Workflow Automation Strategies
  • Module 9: Ethics and Considerations in Workflow Automation
  • Module 10: Diverse Voices in Workflow Automation
  • Module 11: Future-Proofing Your Workflow
  • Module 12: Course Wrap-up and Next Steps


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