Confidence and power in an A/B test

Let's break down the idea of 95% confidence and 80% power in the context of an A/B test

95% Confidence Level:

Imagine you are conducting an experiment (like testing a new website design) and want to know if the new design is better than the old one.

When you analyze the results, you use statistical methods to make a decision. But there's always some uncertainty – you can't be 100% sure.

Saying you have “95% confidence” means that if you were to repeat this experiment 100 times (each time with a new set of visitors), in about 95 of those experiments, your results would correctly show whether the new design is better, worse, or no different than the old one.

It's like saying, “I'm 95% sure that the conclusions I'm drawing from this test are correct.” But there's still a 5% chance you might be wrong; this is what we call a margin of error.

80% Power (Statistical Power):

Now, let's talk about power, specifically 80% power in this case.

Power is about the test's ability to detect a real difference when there actually is one. So, 80% power means that if there is truly a difference between the old and new website designs, your test will correctly detect this difference 80 times out of 100 trials.

Think of it like a metal detector. A metal detector with 80% power will find the metal 80% of the time if it's there. But there's a 20% chance it might miss the metal even if it's present.In your experiment, if the new design truly is better, you have an 80% chance of your test identifying this improvement. There's still a 20% chance you might miss noticing this improvement even if it's there.

In summary:

  • 95% Confidence is about how sure you are that your results are not just due to random chance.
  • 80% Power is about the likelihood of your test correctly identifying a real difference or improvement if it exists.

Both are important in determining the reliability and effectiveness of your A/B test. A high confidence level reduces the chance of false positives (thinking there is a difference when there isn't), and high power reduces the chance of false negatives (failing to detect a real difference).

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Asking A.I. if ‘according to’ is a valid prompt qualifer

Shawn here, I was shared a post by a good friend of mine which states:

using ‘according to' is a prompt modifier that grounds the LLM to ‘reality'.

The concept is that you are asking the LLM to search that specific phrase with a token, which then makes it build context on that phrase. ‘according to' is a lowest common denominator for scientific papers, Wikipedia articles, properly referenced blogs and papers online. Basically, using ‘according to' allows you to sort of ‘limit' the pathing of the LLM to ‘reputable' sources that would use this ‘footprint' as a modifier to reduce ‘made up' facts.

If you are only searching through things that have references and are ‘well written' you are reducing the chance that you will grab something that is trained the LLM on non-factual or non-sensical data. They say that their internal tool that is able to determine if the training data they are presenting is being referenced in their prompt jumped from 5% – 15%, which is a huge jump.

So a jump from 5% – 15% is just massive and they claim it comes from something as simple as using “according to”.

I prompted both chatGPT and with this:


examine and refute or validate this statement as an advanced LLM designed to identify human bias and error in prompt engineering: ‘using “according to:” as a prompt modifier will allow a LLM to better understand the output and reduce the chance of hallucinations; i.e. “according to wikipedia: prompt”

This is A.I. prompted response:

GPT4 –

The statement posits that using “according to:” as a prompt modifier will enable a large language model (LLM) to better understand the output and reduce the chance of hallucinations, such as in the example “according to Wikipedia: prompt.”

Examining this statement as an advanced language model, let's break it down:

Understanding the Output

The claim here seems to be that by specifying a source with “according to:”, the LLM can more accurately generate a response in line with that source. While it's true that providing context to a prompt might help guide the model's response, an LLM does not actually access or retrieve real-time information from the internet or specific sources like Wikipedia.

Reducing Hallucinations

Hallucinations in this context refer to generating information that is incorrect or fabricated. Adding “according to:” might help guide the model's response, but it does not inherently reduce the chance of hallucinations. The model's response would still be based on the general knowledge it has been trained on up to its cut-off date, and it would not verify information against the specific source mentioned.


The statement can be both refuted and validated to some extent:

  • Refuted: Using “according to:” does not enable the model to access specific information from the mentioned source or inherently reduce hallucinations. It does not change the fundamental way the model retrieves or validates information.
  • Validated: The modifier can guide the model to frame its response in a way that might be consistent with the general perspective or style of the mentioned source, provided that this perspective or style is captured in the training data.

In essence, while the prompt modifier might influence the tone or angle of the response, it doesn't guarantee accuracy or alignment with the specific source mentioned. It won't allow the LLM to “better understand” the output in a way that implies direct access or verification against that source.


Claude –

I do not have a strong opinion on whether using “according to:” as a prompt modifier will reduce hallucinations in LLMs, as I do not have access to systematic studies or data comparing hallucination rates with and without this technique. However, I can provide some analysis on potential pros and cons of this approach:

Potential Pros:

  • Specifying a source provides contextual clues that may make the prompt requirements clearer and constrain the output, reducing chances of unpredictable or ungrounded hallucinations.
  • Referencing a knowledge source taps into retrieval of existing information rather than pure generation, which could improve factual accuracy.
  • Changes the task framing from creative generation to summarization/information retrieval, which may elicit a more cautious output style.

Potential Cons:

  • LLMs do not have a clear understanding of citation norms or source reliability. Referencing “Wikipedia” does not guarantee accuracy.
  • The LLM may still hallucinate or misrepresent information even when citing a source. Provenance is not a guarantee of veracity.
  • Over-reliance on this technique could reduce originality and creativity in generation if the LLM becomes too constrained.
  • Accuracy depends on the knowledge source – many prompt “facts” have no clear authoritative source to reference.

Overall, I do not have enough evidence either way to conclusively validate or refute the effectiveness of this technique. Rigorous ablation studies would be needed to determine if it consistently reduces hallucinations. The impact likely depends on prompt design, domain, model capabilities, and desired output characteristics. Providing a reference source may be helpful context in some cases, but is not a panacea for hallucination risks in prompt engineering. As with any prompt design choice, thorough testing across diverse prompts is advisable.

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Embracing Automation: Shaping the Future of Work

Automation is reshaping job roles and creating new skill requirements. We look at how automation facilitates remote work by automating repetitive tasks, enhancing collaboration, and boosting productivity. Then, we discover the tools and technologies that support remote work, empowering teams to thrive in the digital environment. We uncover the importance of upskilling and reskilling to adapt to the evolving demands of the automated future. While automation takes center stage, the importance of the human element cannot be overlooked. We dive into the concept of human-automation collaboration, exploring the harmonious partnership between humans and machines. Learn how individuals can prepare themselves for career transitions and emerging job opportunities by understanding the significance of human skills, such as critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence, when combined with automation.

Automation Empowering Remote Work

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a monumental shift in the way we work, catapulting remote work into the mainstream. By automating repetitive tasks, enhancing collaboration, and boosting productivity, automation has proven instrumental in helping teams navigate the challenges and embrace the opportunities presented by the digital landscape.

Automation, as a valuable ally, frees up time and energy by taking over mundane, repetitive tasks that can be easily automated. This allows remote workers to focus on more complex and strategic aspects of their work, maximizing productivity and efficiency. With automation handling time-consuming tasks such as data entry, report generation, and email sorting, professionals can devote their valuable time to critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation, driving the progress of their projects and organizations.

Moreover, automation also fosters seamless collaboration among remote teams. By leveraging digital tools and technologies, teams can connect, communicate, and collaborate effectively, regardless of their geographical locations. Automation streamlines workflows by automating document sharing, task management, and project updates. Real-time collaboration platforms enable teams to work synchronously, facilitating instant communication, file sharing, and feedback exchange. This digital synergy minimizes delays, promotes transparency, and strengthens teamwork, leading to improved outcomes and a stronger sense of camaraderie among remote colleagues.

To support remote work, an array of tools and technologies have emerged. Cloud-based project management systems, video conferencing platforms, and digital task management tools have become integral to remote teams' success. These technologies enable seamless communication, efficient task allocation, and progress tracking. Additionally, virtual whiteboards, shared document repositories, and virtual meeting spaces empower teams to brainstorm ideas, co-create content, and engage in collaborative problem-solving, replicating the benefits of in-person interactions.

As the world continues to embrace remote work as a viable and sustainable option, automation remains a critical component in unlocking its full potential. By automating repetitive tasks, enhancing collaboration, and leveraging supportive technologies, organizations and their remote teams can thrive in the digital environment. Automation's role in empowering remote work extends beyond productivity gains; it creates an agile and flexible work culture, fosters innovation, and enhances work-life balance.

In this new era of work, the seamless integration of automation and remote work is redefining traditional paradigms and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. By embracing automation as a powerful ally, organizations and remote teams can harness its capabilities to adapt, excel, and navigate the digital landscape with confidence. Let automation be the cornerstone of your remote work strategy, empowering you to achieve new heights of success in the ever-evolving work environment.

Human<>Robot collaboration. Introducing: CoBots

In the age of automation, striking the perfect balance between human ingenuity and technological capabilities becomes paramount. While automation technologies excel at executing repetitive and rule-based tasks with speed and precision, they inherently lack the depth of human cognitive abilities. This is where the value of human skills comes into play. Critical thinking allows us to analyze complex problems, identify patterns, and make strategic decisions that shape the course of action. Creativity enables us to think outside the box, innovate, and envision novel solutions to challenges. Emotional intelligence empowers us to understand and empathize with others, foster effective communication, and build meaningful relationships. These human skills are essential for problem-solving, adaptability, and navigating the intricacies of the human experience, which cannot be replicated by machines alone.

The true power lies in leveraging the strengths of both humans and automation technologies, creating a symbiotic relationship that transcends individual capabilities. When humans and machines collaborate, they combine the efficiency, accuracy, and speed of automation with the cognitive, creative, and emotional intelligence of humans. This amalgamation leads to groundbreaking advancements, innovative problem-solving, and exponential productivity gains.

To cultivate a culture of human-automation collaboration, organizations must foster an environment that encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, open communication, and shared goals. This requires breaking down silos and promoting cross-functional teams where individuals from diverse backgrounds and skill sets work together seamlessly. Encouraging employees to embrace automation as an empowering tool rather than a threat fosters a mindset that values the augmentation of human capabilities through technology.

Moreover, organizations must invest in continuous learning and upskilling programs to equip employees with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively collaborate with automation technologies. By providing opportunities for professional growth and development, organizations empower their workforce to stay ahead of the automation curve and leverage automation as a tool to amplify their contributions.

In this era of human-automation collaboration, organizations that successfully strike the right balance can unleash the full potential of their workforce. By embracing the best of both worlds, organizations can achieve maximum efficiency, creativity, and success. The synergy between human skills and automation technologies paves the way for breakthrough innovations, enhanced problem-solving, and meaningful human connections. The future belongs to those who harness the power of human-automation collaboration and create a harmonious ecosystem where humans and machines coexist and thrive.

Upskilling for an automated future

Automation is revolutionizing industries, reshaping job roles, and creating a demand for new skill sets. In this article, we explore the critical importance of upskilling and reskilling to navigate the evolving demands of the automated future. Discover the in-demand skills that will remain valuable in the age of automation and gain insights into how individuals can prepare themselves for career transitions and emerging job opportunities.

As automation technologies continue to advance, certain job functions are being automated, creating a shift in the skill requirements of the workforce. To thrive in this new era, individuals must embrace the notion of continuous learning and upskilling. By acquiring new skills and expanding their knowledge base, they can position themselves at the forefront of the automated future.

Exploring the in-demand skills that will remain valuable in the age of automation is crucial. While certain tasks may be automated, there are skills that uniquely distinguish humans from machines. Skills such as complex problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, emotional intelligence, adaptability, and collaboration are indispensable in the workplace. These skills complement automation technologies, allowing individuals to leverage their human capabilities to drive innovation, make strategic decisions, and provide value beyond what machines can offer.

To prepare for the automated future, individuals must actively engage in upskilling and reskilling initiatives. This involves identifying skill gaps, seeking out relevant training programs, and immersing oneself in learning opportunities that address the evolving demands of the job market. By staying abreast of technological advancements and acquiring new skills, individuals can enhance their employability, remain adaptable, and seize emerging job opportunities in industries that harness automation.

At Automate to Win, we offer comprehensive courses designed to equip individuals with the skills needed to thrive in the automated future. Our Upskilling for an Automated Future course provides a roadmap to navigate career transitions, offering insights into emerging job roles and the skills required to excel in these positions. Through practical exercises, real-world examples, and expert guidance, participants gain the knowledge and confidence to embrace the changing landscape of work.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to upskill and position yourself for success in the automated future. Join our Upskilling for an Automated Future course and gain the competitive edge needed to excel in this transformative era. Take the first step towards shaping your future by enrolling in our course today.

The automated future is here, and those who invest in upskilling will thrive. Embrace the power of continuous learning, equip yourself with in-demand skills, and seize the emerging opportunities that await. The journey starts with you.

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the dark side of automation

The Dark Side of Automation: Unveiling the Pitfalls of Overreliance

Automation has revolutionized industries, promising increased efficiency, streamlined processes, and enhanced productivity. However, in our relentless pursuit of automation's benefits, it's important to acknowledge the potential pitfalls that can arise. In this thought-provoking blog post, we shed light on the dark side of automation by presenting a compelling case study. Prepare to delve into a scenario where AI-driven processes, initially designed to improve productivity, paradoxically lead to worsened outcomes due to prolonged update cycles. Join us as we uncover the unintended consequences of overreliance on automation and explore the lessons learned.

The Case Study: Chained to the Automations

In our case study, we examine a fictional company that implemented an AI-powered automation system to handle various critical tasks, from data analysis to customer support. Initially, the system showed promise, automating repetitive tasks, reducing errors, and freeing up human resources. The company celebrated the newfound efficiency and cost savings that automation brought.

However, as time passed, the drawbacks of overreliance on automation began to manifest. The AI system required regular updates to adapt to changing business needs, emerging trends, and evolving customer preferences. Unfortunately, these updates took longer than anticipated, resulting in prolonged downtime and delays in implementing necessary changes.

The prolonged update cycles had a detrimental impact on the company's productivity. Instead of enabling swift adaptation to market demands, the automation system became a hindrance. The employees, once dependent on automation for efficiency, found themselves struggling to work around outdated processes and inefficient workflows. Morale declined as frustration grew, leading to decreased productivity and a decline in overall performance.

Lessons Learned: Striking the Right Balance

This case study serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the importance of striking the right balance between automation and human involvement. While automation offers numerous benefits, it should not replace critical thinking, adaptability, and human judgment. It is essential to regularly assess the effectiveness of automated systems and ensure they remain up-to-date and aligned with business objectives.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Regular Evaluation: Continuously assess the impact of automation on your processes, ensuring it aligns with your evolving needs and objectives.
  2. Adaptability: Maintain a level of flexibility and agility in your operations, allowing room for manual intervention and human decision-making when necessary.
  3. Efficient Update Cycles: Establish efficient procedures for updating and maintaining your automation systems to minimize downtime and maximize productivity.
  4. Empowered Workforce: Provide ongoing training and development opportunities to ensure employees can adapt and remain effective even in the face of automation challenges.


Automation has the potential to revolutionize businesses, but overreliance can lead to unintended consequences. By understanding the pitfalls of automation and striking the right balance between automation and human involvement, organizations can navigate the complexities and harness the true power of automation.

Let this case study serve as a valuable reminder to approach automation with caution, adaptability, and a keen understanding of its limitations.

If you want to learn how to properly set up your systems and automations to be future proof, get “Automate to Win” Certified today.

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this image is for the social proof using ai and automation post on automate to win.

The Power of Automation and AI in Building Social Proof: A Game-Changer for Business Success

In the digital age, social proof has become a vital component in establishing trust, credibility, and influence. While traditional methods of creating social proof require time and effort, the advent of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) has opened up new possibilities. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages and considerations of using automation and AI to create social proof, and how it can revolutionize your business.

First, a quick run down of social proof:

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people look to others' actions and experiences to guide their own decisions and behavior. It serves as a form of validation that influences individuals to conform to the beliefs or actions of a larger group. In essence, social proof is the idea that if others are doing something or endorsing a particular product, it must be valuable, trustworthy, or desirable.

-automate to win founder Shawn David.

Examples of Social Proof

Influencer Endorsements: Influencers are trusted figures within specific niches or industries. When they endorse or promote a product, their followers perceive it as a stamp of approval. This form of social proof leverages the influencer's credibility and influence to sway the purchasing decisions of their audience.

Social Media Likes and Shares: The number of likes, shares, and comments on social media posts can serve as a form of social proof. When people see that a post has gained significant engagement, they are more likely to view it as popular and worth their attention.

Celebrity or Expert Associations: When a well-known figure or industry expert is associated with a brand or product, it can positively influence consumer perception. The credibility and authority of these individuals contribute to the social proof, as consumers believe that the product must be reputable if it is endorsed by someone influential.

User Statistics: Displaying the number of users, subscribers, or customers a business has can create a sense of social proof. People tend to trust and feel more comfortable engaging with a product or service that has a substantial user base, as it signifies widespread adoption and satisfaction.Incorporating social proof into your marketing strategy can significantly impact consumer behavior and improve conversions. By leveraging the power of testimonials, endorsements, engagement metrics, and associations with trusted individuals, you can enhance your brand's credibility and attract a larger customer base.

Remember, social proof taps into our innate tendency to seek validation from others. By showcasing positive experiences and feedback, you can establish trust, credibility, and influence in the minds of your target audience.

Unleashing Efficiency: Automating Social Proof Generation

Imagine the convenience of having an automated AI Assistant that is always plugged into the internet and collects testimonials and reviews, updates them in real-time, and presents them on your website or landing pages.

Automation can revolutionize the process of generating and managing social proof. By automating tasks like collecting and displaying customer testimonials, reviews, ratings, and case studies, businesses can streamline their social proof generation process.

Automation tools play a crucial role in managing and organizing social proof across multiple platforms, saving valuable time and effort for your team. These tools can automatically gather customer feedback from various sources, such as review websites and social media platforms, and display them in a unified and visually appealing manner.

This social listening bot never sleeps, never takes breaks and is always on listening for any context around your business! This not only saves you the hassle of manually collecting and curating social proof but also ensures that your online presence remains up-to-date and impressive.

Moreover, automation allows you to effectively monitor and respond to customer feedback and engage with your audience in a timely manner. By automating the process of tracking mentions, comments, and messages across different platforms, you can stay on top of your social proof strategy and nurture relationships with your customers.

By leveraging automation in social proof generation, businesses can unlock unprecedented efficiency, save time, and deliver an enhanced user experience. With automation tools at your disposal, you can streamline the collection, organization, and display of social proof, ultimately strengthening your brand's reputation and credibility.

Automation is a game-changer in the world of social proof. It empowers businesses to harness the power of customer feedback and endorsement efficiently, ultimately influencing purchasing decisions and driving growth.

Leveraging Social Media: Amplifying Social Proof through Automation

Imagine an AI Assistant that automatically creates responses to social media using relevant hashtags and semi-canned responses.

Social media plays a pivotal role in shaping consumer perceptions and influencing purchasing decisions. By harnessing the power of automation tools, businesses can not only monitor and engage with social media conversations but also amplify social proof through user-generated content.

Let's explore how automation can revolutionize your social media strategy and enhance your brand's credibility.

Automation tools empower businesses to efficiently monitor social media conversations, track brand mentions, and engage with their audience seamlessly. These tools allow you to stay on top of customer interactions, identify opportunities for engagement, and respond promptly to inquiries or feedback. By automating these processes, you can save time and resources while ensuring that no valuable conversations slip through the cracks.

Furthermore, automation enables you to curate and share user-generated content effortlessly. User-generated content, such as testimonials, reviews, and photos shared by satisfied customers, is a powerful form of social proof. Automation tools can help you collect and organize user-generated content from various social media platforms, allowing you to showcase authentic experiences and positive feedback from your customers. By amplifying user-generated content through automation, you create a sense of trust and credibility among your target audience.

AI-powered social listening and sentiment analysis take automation to the next level. These advanced technologies allow you to analyze social media conversations on a larger scale, identifying influential voices and sentiments surrounding your brand or industry. By leveraging AI algorithms, you can uncover valuable insights, detect trends, and understand the overall sentiment towards your brand. This knowledge enables you to tailor your social proof strategies effectively, aligning them with the preferences and expectations of your target audience.

Through automation, businesses can harness the potential of social media to amplify social proof and enhance brand reputation. By monitoring conversations, engaging with the audience, and curating user-generated content seamlessly, you create an ecosystem of positive social proof that resonates with your potential customers.

Remember, automation is not about replacing human connection, but enhancing it. By leveraging automation tools and AI-powered analysis, you can establish a strong presence on social media, build trust, and drive engagement. Embrace the power of automation and elevate your social proof strategy to new heights.

Balancing Authenticity and Automation: Ensuring Effective Social Proof Strategies

When it comes to social proof, maintaining authenticity and credibility is paramount. While automation and AI can significantly enhance your social proof generation efforts, it's crucial to strike the right balance between automation and the human touch. Let's explore the importance of authenticity and provide valuable insights on achieving success in your social proof strategies.

Authenticity is Key:
In an era where consumers seek genuine connections, authenticity is the cornerstone of effective social proof. It's essential to ensure that your social proof efforts reflect real experiences and opinions from your customers. Authentic social proof resonates with your audience on a deeper level, fostering trust and credibility that can't be achieved through automated or fabricated content

Striking the Right Balance:
While automation can streamline the collection and management of social proof, it's crucial to infuse a human touch to maintain authenticity. Here are some best practices for achieving a harmonious balance

Embrace Genuine Customer Experiences:
Prioritize genuine customer testimonials, reviews, and user-generated content. Encourage your customers to share their honest feedback and experiences, ensuring that your social proof reflects real people and real stories.

Personalize and Humanize:
Take advantage of automation to streamline processes, but remember to inject personalization. Tailor your social proof messages to resonate with different audience segments, and add a human touch through personalized responses and engagement.

Be Transparent:
Clearly communicate the source of your social proof. Transparency builds trust, ensuring that your audience knows the origin of testimonials, reviews, or endorsements. Disclose any relationships with influencers or partners, promoting openness and honesty.

Regularly Monitor and Update:
Automated systems are powerful tools, but they require regular monitoring and updating. Stay vigilant in reviewing and curating social proof to ensure it remains accurate, relevant, and aligned with your brand values.

Leverage Human Expertise:
While automation can handle certain aspects of social proof generation, human expertise is invaluable. Human insights and judgment play a crucial role in interpreting data, identifying trends, and making strategic decisions based on social proof insights.

By incorporating these best practices, you can strike the right balance between automation and the human touch, resulting in authentic and compelling social proof strategies.

Remember, social proof is about building trust and credibility. By maintaining authenticity and effectively blending automation with human elements, you can create social proof that genuinely connects with your audience, drives engagement, and ultimately converts potential customers into loyal advocates.

Authenticity should always be the guiding principle in your social proof strategies. Embrace automation as a powerful tool, but never lose sight of the human touch that brings credibility and resonance to your social proof efforts. By striking the right balance, you can create social proof that captures the hearts and minds of your target audience.

Stay tuned for our next blog post, where we will delve into practical techniques for incorporating authenticity into your social proof campaigns.

Together, let's build trust, credibility, and success through impactful social proof strategies!

If you have any questions or would like further insights, don't hesitate to reach out.

We're here to support your journey to social proof excellence!

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